Is a Golden Retriever and Poodle cross. Goldendoodles, also called Golden Poos, Goldie Poos, or Groodles, have been bred in North America and Australia since the early to mid-1990's. Since the smaller poodle hybrids had been such a success in filling the niche for small, allergy friendly family pets, Golden Retriever breeders decided to try a breeding with a standard poodle for a larger family pet. The quick rise of the popularity of Goldendoodles is due to the dogs themselves. They are a most marvelous hybrid.
Both parent lines come from hunters and water dogs. The physical appearance of the Goldendoodle runs anywhere from a shaggy-looking retriever to a curl-relaxed poodle, but typically falls somewhere in between. The length when left uncllipped grows to about 4 to 8 inches. The color of the coat can be cream, gold, apricot, chocolate, gray, black, parti or phantom.
'Goldendoodle' appeared soon after the introduction of the Labradoodle by Wally Conron. The earliest known use of the name 'Goldendoodle' comes from the Neelands family in the United States in 1992. The family started calling their dog, Sugar, a 'Goldendoodle' in response to a question from a passerby who asked, "is that a labradoodle?". They replied, "No, it's a Goldendoodle", and have referred to her as such ever since.
The first generation (F1) standard size Goldendoodle is the product of a Standard Poodle crossed with a Golden Retriever. Most first generation Goldendoodles either don't shed or shed very lightly. They are compatible for most families with mild allergies.
The backcross (F1B) Goldendoodle is produced by crossing an F1 Goldendoodle with a Poodle. These dogs will have a higher success rate for non-shedding, and are recommended for families with moderate to severe allergies.
A few breeders are breeding second generation (F2) Goldendoodles which are the product of a Goldendoodle crossed with another Goldendoodle. These dogs have an even higher success rate for non-shedding and are ideal for those with severe allergies.